The first ever academic conference on the European Investment Bank has been successfully concluded in Luxembourg in 2019.
"Deciphering the European Investment Bank: History, Politics, and Economics ", the first ever academic book on the European
Investment Bank has been published by Routledge in June 2022 and is available on Routledge, amazon and other book e-selling sites.
Acting as chairs, discussants
and presenters
Marco Bertilorenzi (University of Padova)
Antonio Bonatesta (University of Padova)
Eric Bussière (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne)
Serena Casu (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)
Lucia Coppolaro (University of Padova)
Giovanni Farese (European University of Rome)
Helen Kavvadia (University of Luxembourg)
Francesco Petrini (University of Padova)
Carlo Spagnolo (University of Bari)
Donatella Strangio (Sapienza University of Rome)
Paolo Tedeschi (University of Milan-Bicocca)